Category Archives: My published fiction

“Children of Cronus” out in Silent Screams

I have another new story out, my third this year. “Children of Cronus” has appeared in Silent Screams: An Anthology of Socially Conscious Dark Fiction, edited by Josh Strnad. The Kindle version is available now, with the paperback edition to … Continue reading

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“As Travelers in Sky Boats” now out at Escape Pod

My story “As Travelers in Sky Boats” is now up at science fiction podcast Escape Pod.  You can listen to it, narrated by Ibba Armancas, or read it at the website.  Or both! It’s about clueless cultural anthropologists (in space!), … Continue reading

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New story out in SQ Mag

My story “Thou Hast by Moonlight at Her Window Sung” is in the latest edition of SQ Mag, from Australia.  They publish in a webzine format, with all the stories available to read for free online.  So check it out, … Continue reading

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New story out in Daily Science Fiction

My new story “The Workshop at the End of the World” is now out at Daily Science Fiction (click to read).  It’s so short that I don’t want to give away too much by trying to explain it, but here’s … Continue reading

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New story out in

My latest story just came out in Issue 30 of  “Twenty-Seven Images of Retribution” concerns a young man determined to avenge his father’s death, while struggling to come to terms with how his father failed him, his mother, and … Continue reading

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New story out in Crowded

Sometimes it can seem as if I hardly ever get a story published.  So it’s exciting to announce, only a month after my last new story came out, that “It Is Beautiful Here” is now up at Crowded Magazine. Crowded … Continue reading

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New story out in Fantasy Short Stories

My story “Brother’s Keeper” just came out in the latest issue of Fantasy Short Stories.  This is a sequel to my earlier story “The Year of the Bear”, published in Allegory way back in 2010.  I’ll leave it to you … Continue reading

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New story out in Kaleidotrope

My story “City of the Dying Sun” is now out in the current issue of Kaleidotrope.  Click on the link to read it!  It’s set in the same world as the novel I’ve been working on forever, but takes place … Continue reading

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Part Nine of “The Guild of Swordsmen”

The ninth and final installment of my novella “The Guild of Swordsmen” is now up at Silver Blade.  This is the first time I’ve had a story serialized, so it’s been fun seeing each successive part come out (even though … Continue reading

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Part Eight of “The Guild of Swordsmen”

In which Lida bends the rules, somewhat. Only one more installment to go!

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