“The Price of Healing” in Kzine

My neolithic elf story “The Price of Healing” has just come out in Issue 17 of Kzine.  This one is set in the same world as “City of the Dying Sun”, “The Shoemaker’s Daughter”, “The Year of the Bear”, “Brother’s Keeper”, and “Twenty-Seven Images of Retribution”; but it takes place thousands of years before any of the others, in a milieu inspired by late prehistoric Egypt.  With elves!  (I don’t call them elves, because I’ve learned that it’s easier to get short stories published if you avoid using the e-word or mentioning their pointy ears.)

Yes, I’m working on a novel set in this world.  No, it isn’t done yet.

Kzine is a genre fiction magazine for the Kindle, although a paperback version is also available.  They publish science fiction, fantasy, horror, and crime fiction, so it’s great for people who prefer reading magazines where each story is different.  Some publications are aiming for a particular sub-genre or aesthetic, and while that can be really interesting if it happens to be a sub-genre you especially love, the downside is that all the stories can start to seem the same after a while (like reading a short fiction collection by one author with a distinctive style).  Kzine is trying to mix things up a bit and publish a lot of very different stories together all in one issue.  So if that sounds like something you’d enjoy, check them out!  The e-book is free if you’re a Kindle Unlimited member, $2.49 otherwise ($4.50 for the paperback).

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