Donald and I will be at Arisia this weekend, telling everyone about the new Mysterion webzine (which is currently open to submissions–6 cents a word, y’all!). We’ll also be reading from our own fiction, and I’m on 4 panels.
Here are all the details (all events are at the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel):
Donald’s schedule
Saturday, 11:30 pm, Hale (3W): Humorous Horror Reading
Kristin’s schedule
Friday, 5:30 pm, Faneuil (3W): Food and Fandom
Sunday, 11:30 am, Adams (3W): Writing Faith Into Your Fiction
Sunday, 7:00 pm, Hale (3W): Relationship Basics
Sunday, 10:00 pm, Hale (3W): Historical Fantasy and Alternate History Reading (this is a group reading–I’ll be reading “The Vanished Legions” from the forthcoming Tales of Ruma anthology)
Monday, 11:30 am, Douglas (3W): Does Science Fiction Hate Science?
Mysterion Party
Room 454: I just spent the day baking 4 different kinds of cookies, including a triple chocolate variety that’s always quite popular. There will also be a fine selection of local New England cheeses, grapes, a variety of chocolate bars and things covered in chocolate, and some fun non-alcoholic beverages (but I’m not doing mixed drinks this year, because that was just too much work).
Oh, and … I guess we’ll be talking about the webzine? Showing off the anthology? Sorry, I assumed you were mostly interested in the menu.
8 pm until around 1 am (or whenever we get tired and kick everyone out).