Mysterion goes online

Last year Donald and I published an anthology of speculative fiction stories that engage with Christianity (still available, BTW).

This past summer, we ran a Kickstarter campaign, hoping to raise enough to pay the authors for a second anthology. When that didn’t quite work out–we only got to 83% of our funding target, and Kickstarter fundraising is all or nothing–we decided we needed a less cost-intensive way of bringing Christian-themed fantasy and science fiction to readers, ideally one that would help us grow our audience.

We’re now pleased to announce Mysterion’s new online home: We open to fiction submissions in January (and are already open to art submissions), and plan to start publishing stories on the site in April.

There won’t be any paywall, but we will be setting up a Patreon for those who want to support us beyond just reading what we publish and sending us their story submissions. Stay tuned for more information on that… We pay 6 cents/word for new fiction, 3 cents/word for reprints, and $100 for art.

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